Thyme Travel on WQED

WQED asked if I could make gardening funand appealing for kids and families in a 60 second segment.

I said “leaf” it to me!

I’d been chatting with the folks at WQED (Pittsburgh’s public television station) about a potential plant-centric plant series when they came to me with a question. They’d been producing a series called Teachable Moments since the beginning of the pandemic and they were curious whether I could write and host a minute-long segment that made gardening seem fun, appealing and approachable to kids and families. I’d recently been thinking about how gardening can feel like time travel so I excitedly wrote up a script and a few weeks later we were filming in my backyard.

The segment started airing on WQED in the summer of 2021 and we’re currently chatting about producing more plant-centric content in the future.


Yinzer Backstage Pass


Let’s Be Weird Together