Meet the Beetle

I couldn’t stop thinking about an endangered beetle. So I wrote a musical about it.

While traveling through Nebraska for work, I happened to hear about the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle, an endangered insect with just a few hundred individuals left. I was intrigued by the beetle’s story and couldn’t stop thinking about it so a few months later, I returned to interview scientists, government officials, National Geographic photographers, developers and citizens about the controversial issues surrounding the tiny insect. As I began the editing process I realized that it might be tough for audience members to identify with the insect's plight so I decided to write short, theatrical musical numbers which were integrated into the documentary.

The film played at film festivals across the country, on select PBS stations and even toured with the Wild & Scenic Film Festival.

Here’s a trailer for the film:

Or if you have 25 free minutes, you can watch the entire film right here:


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